Mohinipur Gram Panchayat was established in July 1994, is a national award-winning Gram Panchayat. The Gram Panchayat has been awarded the Child Friendly Gram Panchayat by Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MOPR) in 24th April 2022. The Panchayat is a small Gram Panchayat with approximately 826 households with a
total population of 3269 people, located almost 25 kilometers away from the district headquarters at West Tripura. Most of the people in the panchayat depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Total area of the village is 3.50 Sq KM and Total 668 Active Job Cards under MGNREGA. The village has had a dynamic and active woman head (Mukhiya) Smt. Rama Deb since 24.08.2019 who has been actively participating in promoting issues focusing on women and children. The village has a long history of good governance at the local level and villagers give credit to the able leadership of the village heads along with the willingness of the village level functionaries to converge and cooperate for the overall betterment of the village. A multitude of factors have actually come together to make the village what it is today.

 Name of Para of Gram Panchayat are:

i) Arakata [Ward 1]

ii) Jatindra Das Para [Ward 6]

iii) Kalmura&LarichandBiswas Para (East & West Part) [Ward 5]

iv) Mohinipur (North Part) [Ward 2]

v) Mohinipur (South Part) [Ward 6]

vi) Mohinipur (West Part) (Uriabasti) [Ward 6]

vii)Mohinipur Colony (Sibir) [Ward 2]

viii)Takkar Nagar [Ward 3]